11:24:03.511 [I] run_pykilosort:50 Starting Pykilosort version ibl_1.2.1, output in /mnt/s0/Data/FlatIron/zadorlab/Subjects/CSH_ZAD_011/2020-03-22/001/raw_ephys_data/probe01 11:24:03.668 [I] utils:275 Loaded data with 385 channels, 143895825 samples 11:24:03.670 [I] utils:548 Starting step whitening_matrix. 11:24:55.308 [I] preprocess:237 Computed the whitening matrix. 11:24:55.308 [I] utils:559 Step `whitening_matrix` took 51.64s. 11:24:55.310 [I] utils:548 Starting step preprocess. 11:24:55.310 [I] preprocess:344 Pre-processing: applying destriping option to the raw data 12:11:12.558 [I] utils:559 Step `preprocess` took 2777.25s. 12:11:12.561 [I] utils:548 Starting step drift_correction. 12:11:12.562 [I] datashift2:618 pitch is 20.0 um 12:46:46.099 [I] datashift2:670 Shifted up/down 2194 batches 12:46:46.100 [I] utils:559 Step `drift_correction` took 2133.54s. 12:46:46.101 [I] utils:548 Starting step learn. 13:12:03.824 [I] learn:1252 Found 9856869 spikes. 13:12:04.231 [I] utils:559 Step `learn` took 1518.13s. 13:12:04.493 [I] utils:548 Starting step merge. 13:12:27.220 [I] utils:559 Step `merge` took 22.73s. 13:12:27.220 [I] utils:548 Starting step split_1. 13:12:28.264 [I] postprocess:836 Found 0 splits, checked 0/331 clusters, nccg 0 13:12:57.277 [I] postprocess:836 Found 26 splits, checked 100/357 clusters, nccg 41 13:13:18.303 [I] postprocess:836 Found 47 splits, checked 200/378 clusters, nccg 65 13:13:37.956 [I] postprocess:836 Found 60 splits, checked 300/391 clusters, nccg 84 13:13:55.357 [I] postprocess:836 Found 84 splits, checked 400/415 clusters, nccg 99 13:13:56.949 [I] postprocess:1052 Finished splitting. Found 84 splits, checked 415/415 clusters, nccg 103 13:13:58.313 [I] utils:559 Step `split_1` took 91.09s. 13:13:58.315 [I] utils:548 Starting step cutoff. 13:15:26.409 [I] utils:559 Step `cutoff` took 88.09s. 13:15:26.410 [I] main:284 5558898 spikes after cutoff. 13:15:26.410 [I] main:285 Found 138 good units. 13:15:26.410 [I] main:288 Saving results to phy. 13:15:26.410 [I] utils:548 Starting step output. 13:15:30.698 [I] utils:559 Step `output` took 4.29s. 13:15:30.698 [I] utils:559 Step `whitening_matrix` took 51.64s. 13:15:30.698 [I] utils:559 Step `preprocess` took 2777.25s. 13:15:30.698 [I] utils:559 Step `drift_correction` took 2133.54s. 13:15:30.699 [I] utils:559 Step `learn` took 1518.13s. 13:15:30.699 [I] utils:559 Step `merge` took 22.73s. 13:15:30.699 [I] utils:559 Step `split_1` took 91.09s. 13:15:30.699 [I] utils:559 Step `cutoff` took 88.09s. 13:15:30.699 [I] utils:559 Step `output` took 4.29s. 13:15:30.699 [I] utils:563 Total time taken was 6686.75s